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January - June, 2017

Center for Strategic Leadership celebrates 25 years experiential education

Current and former staff of the Center for Strategic Leadership turned an anniversary into a reunion, June 1 in Collins Hall. Recognizing the 25 years of service, CSL director Col. Chris Beckert dedicated a 25-year plaque with the assistance of Gen. J. Lawton Collins's daughter, Nancy Collins Rubino, while the many in attendance watched on.

Through your imaginative and innovative programs, you have helped forge a new generation of strategists who are uniquely capable of absorbing the experience-based lessons you have presented and forging them into new paradigms of thought in an age of great challenge and change. You have exceeded all the expectations that we had for the center at its conception during my tenure as Army Chief of Staff- Army Chief of Staff 1987 to 1991, GEN(R) Carl E. Vuono

Read the full article on www.armywarcollege.edu

WGAL-TV News feature on CSL & wargaming

WGAL News 8's Matt Barcaro took a look inside our "Strategic War Gaming Room" to see how we test strategies that go to the U.S. Army's Chief of Staff. CSL Director, COL Chris Beckert, along with Strategic Assessments & Operations Research Division Chief, COL Ken Gilliam, talked with the WGAL news team about the value CSL has brought to the Army over the last 25 years.

Watch the video on WGAL

International Fellows (IFs) "Matrix-Game"

On 18 May the Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL) hosted the incoming class of International Fellows (IFs) in a "matrix-game" exercise. Matrix-style games are the centerpiece of CSLs "Wargaming in the Classroom" program. They have been used in the core curriculum, electives and the Distance Education department of the School of Strategic Landpower (SSL). For the IF exercise, students were presented a set of strategic problems to solve using the "Kaliningrad" game developed by the Strategic Simulations Division. The exercise was primarily a team building event. But, it also served to introduce matrix games to the International Fellows as an experiential learning tool. At the end of the exercise, students were able to articulate strategy using the elements of national power and also built and strengthened relationships with their fellow students. Feedback from students and staff was universally positive. This exercise is under consideration for becoming a permanent part of IF orientation and integration.

CSL Facilitates a Strategic Staff Ride at Yorktown

Over the weekend of May 5th and 6th, 2017, the Center for Strategic Leadership facilitated the first strategic-level staff ride of the Yorktown battlefield in the Army War College's history. The team of faculty and experts, drawn mainly from the college's Strategic Wargaming Division, partnered with the 80th Training Command (Army Reserve) to examine the strategic insights drawn from one of America's most significant campaigns. The leadership of the 80th prepared and contributed throughout the event, focusing on developing their leadership for the complex challenges of the Army's generating force. Yorktown provided the perfect backdrop for their lessons.

On Friday night, the 5th of May, the War College team presented the strategic Context for the battle to the staff ride group from the 80th. Rather than focusing on the traditional tactical aspects of the battle, the War College team presented a fresh perspective by addressing the strategic themes of the Yorktown Siege. Over dinner, the War College team discussed the strategic ends of the British, Americans, and French as well the themes of trust, alliance, and mission command; themes which would be shown as important then as they are now.

On Saturday, May 6th, the War College team and 80th CMD leaders walked the battlefield to cover the strategic themes from several different points. While the War College team presented the facts and context of the battle, the 80th CMD members discussed the strategic importance of the battle's aspects as well as relation to modern conflicts. As the group stopped along the several points of the ride, they discussed topics such as alliances and coalition operations, C2 between forces, commander's intent, logistics, artillery, and strategic leadership finally ending at Surrender Field. Here, each member of the 80th was able to articulate their take away of the strategic importance of Yorktown as well as the lessons to be learned for strategic leaders and many appreciated the fresh perspective on a familiar battlefield.

While I was already familiar with the tactical decisions made and the execution of the battle on the ground, the AWC team did an excellent job of connecting the Strategic and Operational domains and goals to make clear why the battle, though seemingly small, was so important to American independence. - COL Christopher Govekar 80th Training Command

The Army War College team Consisted of COL Chris Beckert, COL Tony Manetta, COL Bethany Lenderman, Mr. Jim Markley (COL, ret.) and, MAJ Krisjand Rothweiler

July - December, 2016

Futures Seminar: The United States Army in 2030 and Beyond

In 1994 the Army embarked on the Army After Next (AAN) study plan to explore new concepts and think innovatively about how the Army would fight in the future. Envisioned as way to develop the Army after Force XXI (thought to be the Army of 2025), the AAN project was chartered by the Chief of Staff of the Army and grew to involve a wide range of participants. The Army War College contributed to the AAN effort through strategic wargames, experimentation and student and faculty research. One of the initiatives was the AAN Seminar - a special program in Academic Year 1997 - composed of students who were interested in contributing to the development of the future Army.

The current Army War College Futures Seminar is loosely modeled on the AAN Seminar. As with the AAN seminar, Future Seminar students and faculty collaborate to explore the Army of the Future... in this case, the Army of 2030 and beyond. As with previous years, the seminar focused on the requirements for an Army of the future - and sought to explore the question:

"What kind of Army does the nation need in 2030 and beyond?"

This 3rd annual compendium is one output of their thoughts.

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ISCNE - Penn State students solve global crisis at Army War College simulation

A global crisis broke out at the Penn State School of International Affairs (SIA) over the weekend, and SIA students were the only ones who could solve it.

The International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise held at the School of International Affairs on Nov. 11 and 12, which was hosted and led by former U.S. Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel.

These kinds of exercises are very useful, as they force the students to take on the persona of another culture and government when approaching these complex issues. There was a lot of material to absorb, but the students did a wonderful job. - former U.S. Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel

About 50 SIA students participated, representing parties including India, Pakistan, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, and the Jammu and Kashmir People's Democratic Party, each with their own goals to accomplish and deal breakers they would refuse to accept.

Read the full article from news.psu.edu

Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4

The Collins Center Update is a quarterly newsletter detailing the activities of the Center for Strategic Leadership, United States Army War College. Articles in this double issue include, Basic Strategic Art Program Situation Report, C/JFLCC Course 3-16, USAWC Hosts International Analytical Exchange, Cyber Sovereignty - Operations Focus Workshop, The Human Dimension Department, Full Mobilization Wargame, Wargaming: Application of Innovative Approaches and Solutions, and the Department of Technology Integration (DTI) Update.

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U.S. Army War College Representatives speak on the Lehigh Valley's Community NPR Station

The Lehigh Valley Discourse host, Pamela Varkony, spent four days in early June attending the War College's 2016 National Security Seminar. What she learned is the topic on this edition of Lehigh Valley Discourse. Joining Pamela from the U.S. Army War College is BRG George Schwartz, Deputy Commanding General - Reserve Affairs; Dr. Richard A. Lacquement, Jr., Dean; and CSL's own, Professor Bert Tussing, National Security Expert.

Visit wdiy.org to Listen!

January - June, 2016

Strategic Cyberspace Operations Guide, 1 June 2016

This publication provides a guide for U.S. Army War College students to understand design, planning, and execution of cyberspace operations at combatant commands (CCMDs), joint task forces (JTFs), and joint functional component commands. It combines existing U.S. Government Unclassified and "Releasable to the Public" documents into a single guide. The guide follows the operational design methodology and the joint operation planning process (JOPP) detailed in Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Operation Planning and applies these principles to the cyberspace domain found in Joint Publication 3-12(R), Cyberspace Operations. It also includes an overview of cyberspace strategies, guidance, and doctrine as well as a description of U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Joint, and Service cyberspace organizations.

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CSL's Prof Alan Bourque and MAJ Jason Warren Honored at the 2016 USAWC Faculty Awards


This year's faculty awards ceremony took place on the 25th of May. The faculty members receiving awards exemplify the very high standards of excellence that characterize the USAWC faculty overall. In all, 48 faculty members were recognized at the ceremony.

Prof Alan Bourque received the General George S. Patton Chair of Operational Research and Analysis. This chair is given to recognize the outstanding performance of a member of the USAWC faculty who has made significant contributions to the study of the strategic and operational levels of war.

MAJ Jason Warren was recognized for an Academic Promotion to Assistant Professor, as well as receiving the Excellence-in-Scholarship (Madigan) Award. This award annually recognizes the best scholarship that addresses topics related to the USAWC curriculum.

The USAWC Strategy Model in Moldova: Developing the Master's Course (Level II PME) for Military and Civilian Professionals


Beginning in 2009, a multinational team of NATO professional military education (PME) experts began providing assistance to the Republic of Moldova's Armed Forces at the Moldovan Military Institute (later Academy (MMA)) in Chisinau. The team's broad purpose was to help the Moldovan military adjust from a Soviet-style military educational system to one that more closely mirrored NATO and Western standards. First was revamping the "Basic Course," followed by the development, from scratch, of a senior officers' course, including a Master's degree (Level II) program, which was completed in a remarkably short time - less than two years between initial brainstorming and course start. That it took a "team effort" goes without saying. While the Moldovans could not have done it alone, MMA was at the epicenter of successful multiple efforts, all designed to modernize its PME to meet the demands of the 21st century operational environment.

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Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2

Futures Seminar

The Academic Year 2015 (AY15) Futures Seminar elective at the U.S. Army War College encouraged students to examine a topic relevant to the development and implementation of Army initiatives in 2025 and beyond. Loosely modeled on a series of "Army After Next" studies conducted by U.S. Army War College students in the late 1990s, the course is designed to leverage student experience, research and thought to provide recommendations to senior Army leaders on key Army futures issues. The pathway for the AY15 Seminar was built upon our exploration of a central idea - a guiding principle. Grounded by the framework provided in the October 2014 Army Operating Concept, the Seminar explored the fundamental question:

"What kind of Army does the nation need in 2025 and beyond?"

This compendium represents 23 students' peek into the Army of 2025+. Some ideas and recommendations are specific and affect narrow slices of the Army; others are broad and span multiple services or components. Some are tactical; others strategic. Some very aspirational; others very practical. Regardless, they are the thoughts of strategic thinkers who have embraced their responsibility to help posture the enterprise for the future by thinking and writing about tough issues. The enterprise is better for their effort.

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